My Work Experience at High-Rise

This week I have been working alongside the High-Rise team and it has been a great!

Hi, I’m Ella-Rose and this week I joined High-Rise for my college’s Work Experience. I have learnt a lot, and it has given me an experience of what it is like in a professional workplace.


On Monday I was introduced to the team, and they made me feel so welcome. I joined their Monday weekly meeting where they talk about what is happening in the upcoming week. They all explained their roles and what it is they do, and I also told them a bit about myself.

Then in the afternoon I began working on some templates for Lesbian Island on an app called Canva. This made me feel very creative and gave me inspiration to use the app in the future for my own business purposes, I also got a personalised tour around the office space! I really like the style and I can’t get over how nice it is. After this, I started making a TikTok, filming their unique working environment. 

I also took a look at the High-Rise website and looked at the news, the services they provide, and the about us section. This helped me understand what they do a bit better.


On Tuesday I made some more Canva templates for Anna who runs Lesbian Island, as well as some TikTok’s to post on her account which she appreciated!

I also had some more conversations with the staff and got to know them more. They are a smart bubbly team, each with their own talents and they are all very good at helping one and other out. Their boss Helen is the best, keeping them in line whilst also having a laugh.


On Thursday Helen wasn’t in, but everyone else was and I felt like a part of the team which was nice. 

We had an online meeting with Helen where the team explained the meaning of different parts of PR.

They helped me understand different terms and Jack explained Digital PR.

I learnt things I never knew for example that if you click sponsored links on a Google page it fines the business around £5.

Stevenson Square

I got on with some college coursework throughout the day and in the afternoon and got taken to Stevenson Square. I learnt about their client Henshaws and how hard it is for blind people to cross the roads safely. Because they have poor traffic lights and buses are constantly driving past, they have to chance it when crossing. It’s also hard for them to avoid walking into the new “seating” areas they have made because they are scattered all about the paths. 

We talked about these issues in more depth when we went back to the office. We had a coffee and Jack and Molly showed me the interview they had organised from ITV Granada. They interviewed a visually impaired man named Dave who had sadly been impacted by the lack of accessibility in the square.

It made me think that people like me with no disabilities don’t even think about the issues that other people have to deal with daily. I hope it gets spoke about more and changed for the better.


Then today, I finished my college course work and wrote about what my thoughts were on PR after being at High-Rise Communications.

Before coming to High-Rise i didn’t know about PR but i knew that it stood for public relations. I also knew High-Rise was an agency who helped keep other agencies public perceptions looking good. 

After experiencing being at High-Rise for the week I have learnt that PR is managing how others see and feel about a person a brand or a company. They don’t just have to create, but they also have to maintain a positive public image for the individuals, groups or organisations they represent. They also craft media releases and develop social media programmes to shape the public perception of their clients and to increase awareness of each clients work and goals whilst handling media requests. 

Overall, I have had a great week and I appreciate the team’s help and kindness. I’ve learnt a lot! 

Many thanks, 
